Sunday, August 11, 2013

Weed -Sanjay Gupta

Welcome to Political Divide blog!

Our next feature is Weed, and not just marijuana in general, but the documentary entitled Weed by Sanjay Gupta. Sanjay is a medical doctor (not practicing as far as I know) and medical consultant commonly seen on CNN discussing all things related to the medical field. In this documentary Sanjay travels around the US and the world visiting medical users, recreational users, and scientist and medical professionals who are studying the medicinal and general effects of marijuana on the brain.

I personally think it is a fair documentary that looks honestly at the evidence acquired through scientific research and anecdotal evidence from both medicinal and recreational users, and comes to what I think is a fair conclusion.  However, I have been pro legalization for at least medicinal use for many years, so I have a bit of a biased opinion.

I am sure most people know that years ago Sanjay was a staunch opponent to the legalization of marijuana for any purpose, however has recently come out in support of it, at least medicinally. And that may not be the death nail to the marijuana debate, but I think it may have a strong affect on the way marijuana is generally viewed.

Even if you are a professed marijuana aficionado, I am sure there are some things to be learned about marijuana in this documentary.

Without further ado...


The video is provided by Moxnews on Youtube. Moxnews records and uploads news clips from many many different news networks, and his channel is well worth subscribing to.

Subscribe to Moxnews Channel Here

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